
Posts Tagged ‘selling’

This is a fun 30+ minute roundup of what resellers have to offer as tips to other resellers… betcha you, as a consignment, resale or thrift shopkeeper will find some good ideas to use here! Watch with me, and (more…)

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Take a look at your sales floor. Is it pulling its weight?

Seriously. Your resale, consignment or thrift shop layout is SO important. It’s even MORE important that the layout of a new merchandise store might be, because not only do you probably have a wider range of categories, styles, colors, sizes, but you also have NO idea what merchandise you’ll have in store a week or a month from now.

So it’s crucial that all the do’s and don’ts of resale sales floor arrangement be tended to. Today, the do’s. Tomorrow the don’ts.

Store Layout Do’s:

DO provide a “foyer” so customers can see what’s available as they enter. Some call this a “landing zone”.

DO allow for a free flow of customer traffic through all areas. If there’s the possiblity of butt-brush, that area will be bypassed.

DO provide generous aisles so customers don’t feel crowded. Crowded = uneasy. Uneasy = they will cut their browsing short and leave.

DO allow space in front of your dressing rooms for a full-length mirror and accessorizing. You want you helpers to have room to interact and upsell.

Resale shops need to have the right layout says Auntie Kate of TGtbT.blog

For deeper details plus 200 more pages of resale operations assistance, click.

DO watch the heights of racks to allow a over-all view of the entire store. If you can’t see their eyes, they can’t see you. If you can’r see them, how are you going to interact with them?

DO allow your merchandise enough space so it looks neat and uncluttered. With the wide variety in resale, this is crucial. You want it to look like a store, not a teenager’s closet.

DO think ahead so you have flexibility in arranging categories. Remember, what will you need room for next week?

DO leave space for displays, two-ways, highlighted racks. Row after row of sleeves hanging out, or couches lined up like soldeiers, never inspired a purchase yet.

DO use “selling” signs that tell customers what’s where… and why they should buy it!Rack signage shouldn’t be JUST informative, it should be motivating! Not shorts but Feel free, wear shorts! or “Let us free” said your knees.

DO use mirrors as much as possible for customer convenience, reflected light, and security. “Nuff said.

DO remember “negative space”: empty areas that set off merchandise. Breathing space. If it feels slightly claustrophobia-inducing to you, it is.

DO allow for space for YOU to work at straightening, markdowns, displays. Give yourself a break and make yourself comfortable. Lest you don’t do ot…

Tomorrow, the dont’s of store layout.


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What if "not enough customers" isn't the actual problem, asks TGtbT.blog

What if you could motivate more people to come into your shop?

Your staff can help you build traffic with their own business cards! It’s simple, cheap, and foolproof. As an added bonus, your crew will realize that they are an important factor in your continuing success. Each of your staffers encounters many people in their life outside of work: all these people deserve a warm thank-you and an acknowledgment that their extra effort is appreciated. And who better to thank them than someone who also deals with the public and knows how important good service is? *

And you could get them to come in more often?

Promote, maintain, and use your want list for items customers are looking for. Can’t fulfill their request in a month or so? Call them and tell them you’ll continue looking if they would like you do (and do try to mention something else that you do have that they might like!) *

And you could tempt them into buying more on each visit?

Imagine the possibilities for increased sales with the same traffic in your store you now have. Examine how many people leave your store without a purchase. Now calculate that if you managed to satisfy the needs of just one in ten of those “walkers”, and sold them just one item… how much more would you sell each day? Exciting, isn’t it? And believe me, those people aren’t “just looking.” All those customers need is a nurturing atmosphere in which to explore, examine, try, and think about what you are offering. *

Then, you’d have enough customers.

 * Just three thoughts out of this TGtbT.com Product for the Professional Resaler.

A Too Good to be Threw Product for the Professional Resaler can be yours PDQ!

From 10 Steps to Build Bigger Sales all the way thru to How to Increase Store Traffic, this TGtbT.com PDF booklet is chock-ful of ideas to increase your bottom line by moving more product every day. Get it in your email Pretty Darn Quick.


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What do shoppers want when they’re Christmas-gift seeking?

Gathering gift ideas in your consignment shop

Need more holiday selling ideas? Click the pic.

Selection. Abundant selection.

They aren’t sure what they want. Or what their loved ones will want. Sometimes, they’re even clueless as to what to look for.

That’s why resale consignment, and thrift shops need to pile it on this time of year. Your displays, your social media posts, your in-store signage needs to point to (more…)

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The first (and maybe the last) guideline to follow if you want to sell more bric-a-brac, knick-knacks, dust collectors… whatever you call those home decor “smalls”… is to

show them in use.

Glass bottles? Maintain a store wardrobe of good fake ferns, tulips, or even painted branches to use as props. With a display like this, you’ll sell 5 or 7 bottles at a time!

Sell more glassware in your consignment or resale shop

Massing knick-knacks into a display is another way (more…)

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